theme-img-mobile Mobility opportunities and Partnerships

We're very excited to announce the development of the new MOOC  "Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms".

Registrations are open until April 22,2021.

The MOOC is part of the new Jean Monnet Project, where Epoka University is a partner.

Course description:

 Course is divided into six issue specific blocks with multiple video lectures and various e-learning material in each. The course will focus on the multifaceted nature of regionalism in different geo-territorial and geo-political contexts in Europe and Eurasia and on its conceptual and theoretical definition by looking at the relevant cleavages in contemporary societies and at the fluid and ever-changing nature of inter- and intra-state interaction and supranational/intergovernmental trends of integration. Historical and institutional comparative perspectives will allow participants to practically assess the developments in the European and Eurasian regions and to investigate their impact on specific case studies.

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
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